
Here’s Me

I want to share the joy of cooking and travel with everyone!

Fool's Spring

Recent years have taught me the phrase Fool’s Spring, which for those also not in the know, is a time during the cold winter months when the temperatures rise, the sun comes back, and it feels like we are greeting a new season. Then you wake up to a new blanket of snow and cold temps for a few more days or maybe even weeks.

Many things can feel like a fool’s spring in my day. Work is getting caught up and new things can be completed, then suddenly we’re right back in the hole with unexpected broken systems. I can be finally moving forward on my personal goals, getting some posts drafted, videos lined up, but then I lose all that motivation and momentum and I’m back in bed. It’s a cycle of feeling like maybe things will be ok, and then it’s taken away from you and it causes this longing inside for what you had and wanting the sun and warmth inside to come back.

I’ve had to learn how it’s just a natural cycle like most other things. I’ve had to learn that it’s just as much an opportunity as those days of Fool’s Spring are. I can catch up on some shows, cuddle with some sweets and guilty pleasures and above all else, get some rest and recharge while I don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything else. These moments are quiet gifts from nature that allow me to take some me time around all my other responsibilities. Especially in a world were everything needs to be moving fast pace and leading you to your next hustle or big thing. Fool’s Spring may feel like a cruel tease of nature but I hope you too can find the quiet moments when winter returns to recharge, cuddle up, and just be while waiting for Spring to return.

Just Gonna Pivot